About submissions

What is a submission?

A submission is a response from a person or organisation, stating their views about the law under review. A submission may include personal experiences and ideas about how the law should change.

During a project’s consultation period, the Commission asks to hear from anyone who has experience of the issues under review. Any contribution is welcome, large or small.

The Commission publishes issues or consultation papers to explain the law under review and ask some questions.  It helps to read them before making a submission.

How do I make a submission?

Submissions can be made during a project’s consultation period. You can send us your submission electronically or in hard copy. You can send us your ideas in a Word document, a pdf file, or in the body of the email, or by completing the form on the Submissions page.

Submissions do not have to follow a particular format. We prefer you to answer the questions we ask in the consultation paper, but you do not have to answer all of them. You can provide as much detail as you like – the more the better, as long as it is relevant.

Send your submissions to:
• Email: law.reform@lawreform.vic.gov.au
• Mail: PO Box 4637, GPO Melbourne Vic 3001
or by completing the form on the Submissions page.


If you need the help of an interpreter, or other assistance to have your views heard, please contact the Commission by email: law.reform@lawreform.vic.gov.au or phone (03) 8608 7800. 

Public submissions

We refer to submissions in our reports, and we list the names of submitters in an appendix at the back of the report.

The Commission publishes submissions on our website to encourage discussion and to keep the community informed. We remove personal addresses, contact details and other personally identifying information from submissions before they are published.

If you do not want your name used, you can ask that the submission is kept confidential – see below.

The views expressed in submissions are those of the individuals or organisations who submit them. The fact that the Commission publishes a submission does not imply that the Commission accepts or agrees with these views. We will not place on our website submissions that contain offensive or defamatory comments.

We treat all submissions as public unless the submitter asks us to treat it as confidential. 

Name withheld

If you wish to make a submission but do not want your name made public, when we publish your submission, we will note that your name has been withheld. The submission will appear on our website and in our report as:    Submission number … (name withheld)

Confidential submissions

The Commission also accepts submissions in which the material is confidential. You can ask us to keep your submission confidential if it includes personal experiences or other sensitive information. We will not publish confidential submissions on the website or elsewhere.

However, we may refer to a confidential submission in our report, without identifying you.

Please note that because of the Commission’s commitment to transparency, we usually prefer to quote from public submissions rather than confidential ones in our reports. This does not mean that the content of a confidential submission will be treated as any less important.  Your submission will be read carefully and used to decide on the recommendations and conclusions in the final report.

Any request by someone outside the Commission for access to a confidential submission will be refused unless a formal freedom of information request has been made.  Such a request will be determined in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic), which is designed to protect personal information and information given in confidence. Further information can be found at https://ovic.vic.gov.au/freedom-of-information/

Anonymous submissions

Anonymous submissions – where the submitter does not provide a name – are accepted but, like confidential submissions, are less likely to be referred to in our reports for transparency reasons. 

Submissions that are late or beyond the scope of the terms of reference

The closing date for submissions is advertised in the Commission’s consultation or issues paper and on our web site. This deadline is provided so that we have enough time to properly consider the issues and write the report.

We may not be able to consider a late submission in as much depth as other submissions.

Submissions must be relevant. The Commission only reviews the matters that are detailed in the terms of reference. We recommend using the consultation or issues paper to help guide your submission.

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