Funeral and Burial Instructions: Report (html)

Appendix C: Funeral and burial instructions online survey

Question 1

Have you planned your funeral and burial?


Yes (Skip to Question 3)

Question 2

Do you intend to plan your funeral and burial?

No (Skip to Question 5)


Question 3

Why was it, or why is it, important to you to plan your funeral and burial? (select all that apply)

I want my funeral and burial to reflect my identity and values

I want my religious and/or cultural practices respected and observed

I want to prevent disagreement among my family and friends

I want to avoid placing a financial burden on my family and friends

Other (please specify)

Question 4

How important is it to you that your funeral and burial plan is carried out? (only one answer)

Very important

Fairly important

Not very important

Not at all important

(Skip to Question 6)

Question 5

Who do you think will arrange your funeral and burial when you die? (select all that apply)

My partner

My child/ren

My parents

Other family members


I don’t mind who arranges my funeral and burial

Other (please specify)

Question 6

Have you been involved in a funeral and burial dispute?


No (Skip to question 10)

Question 7

Did you go to court or participate in mediation in an attempt to resolve the dispute?


No (Skip to question 9)

Question 8

If you would like to share the details of your experience in court or mediation, please briefly describe it here:

Question 9

If you would like to share the details of the funeral and burial dispute you were involved in, please briefly describe it here:

Question 10

At present, a person’s funeral and burial instructions are not legally binding on the person who controls the disposal of a body. A person’s executor or, where a person does not leave a will, their likely administrator (usually their next of kin), may dispose of their body in any manner they wish, subject to limited exceptions.

Which of the following reflects your position? (select all that apply):

I am satisfied with the law as it is

The person who controls the disposal of a body should be required to take into account specific factors (such as the wishes of the deceased and those of the deceased’s family) before making appropriate funeral and burial arrangements

Funeral and burial instructions should be binding on the person with the right to control the disposal of a body, unless there is a compelling reason for that person not to adhere to them (such as the instructions are illegal)

A person should be able to appoint a funeral and burial agent to control the disposal of

their body

None of the above

If you have any comments, write them here:

Question 11

How old are you?

18 to 25

26 to 35

36 to 45

45 to 55

55 to 65

65 to 75

76 and over

Question 12

If you are happy for us to contact you in relation to your responses in the survey, please provide your name and contact details:

Question 13

Is there anything else you want to tell us?


Yes (please specify)

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