Medicinal Cannabis: Report (html)

Terms of reference

[Referred to the Commission pursuant to section 5(1)(a) of the Victorian Law Reform
Commission Act 2000
(Vic) by the Attorney-General of Victoria, the Hon. Martin Pakula MP, on

19 December 2014.]

1 The Victorian Law Reform Commission is asked to review and report on options for changes to the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 and associated Regulations to allow people to be treated with medicinal cannabis in exceptional circumstances, and to make the recommendations for any consequential amendments which should be made to the:

• Therapeutic Goods (Victoria) Act 2010

• any other relevant legislation.

2 In conducting the review, the Commission is asked to consider:

• the operation of Victoria’s Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 and associated Regulations, and how this interacts with Commonwealth law, functions and any relevant international conventions

• medical use of cannabis in other jurisdictions.

3 The Commission is asked to appoint expert panels to assist in its review, specifically to examine:

• prescribing practices for medicinal cannabis, including eligibility criteria for access to medicinal cannabis and the role of doctors in managing the use of medicinal cannabis by patients

• the regulation of medicinal cannabis manufacture and distribution, including which forms of medicinal cannabis should be permitted for use.

4 The Commission should report no later than 31 August 2015.

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